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Medical & Dental Professionals


For more than 20 years, Waite Financial Group has been serving medical and dental professionals and their families, and we know it takes a special individual to achieve significant professional success yet have the humility to ask for help.

We appreciate the demands of delivering high-level patient care while seeking balance in life, and we know that your willingness to sacrifice so many years to training is rooted in a passion for helping people. We understand the life of a specialized healthcare professional, in part because several of our team members have spouses and other family members in the medical and dental fields.

Our efficient teaching approach makes complex strategies simple, leading to greater clarity, and we take great pride in helping people like you gain financial peace of mind so they can focus their attention on the people and causes they love.


Make complex financial strategies easy to understand.

Integrate tax efficient strategy, wealth accumulation, and risk management into a comprehensive financial plan.

Help you prepare for and capitalize on the most important years of your financial life.

Cut through the noise, to help give you clarity and confidence when making student loan decisions.